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Poor Lola

Posted: 15 May 2017, 10:45
by Morticia1162
Off to the vets with Lola late this afternoon, think she's developing arthritis. :blue:
She had intermittent lameness for a while now, sorted by meds from vet,but this last two weeks she seems to have got a lot worse, very stiff and slow to get going after sleeping,seems to struggle eating at floor level but sorted that with a high feeder.

She had 20mins off lead play and swim yesterday and in the evening she could hardly move, she has also started to sit in what I call a rabbit style, sort of hunched posture?

She's only 51/2, wish her luck later, she's obviously very uncomfortable at the moment. :blue:

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 15 May 2017, 13:09
by Liz5353
Oh Lola poor you we are thinking of you and send you lots and lots of positive thoughts for your trip to the vet.
I will send a message to our girls to keep their paws crossed.
Love Liz xx :bighug:

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 15 May 2017, 17:13
by Morticia1162
Thanks Liz, well she's got arthritis in both shoulders and both hips. :blue:

Back on Wednesday for sedation and X-rays to see what we are dealing with. :3517:

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 15 May 2017, 22:26
by JoanG
So sorry to read about poor Lola and sending her buckets of positive and healing thoughts. I hope the vets can come up with a plan to ease her pain and hopefully stop the arthritis getting any worse. We used YuMove Advance for George with excellent results but he only had arthritis in one elbow but I know there are loads of supplements that people on here have used that have worked well for different dogs.

I'll be thinking of you both on Wednesday and hope all goes well, and the X-rays give you a clear idea of what's going on.

:love3: for you and bigs hugs for Lola

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 16 May 2017, 07:10
by Liz5353
Hello Janet and Lola
We will of course be thinking of you tomorrow and like Joan we are sending you lots and lots of positive thoughts,
Please let us know how things go, sending love to you both
Liz xx :bighug:

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 16 May 2017, 10:24
by LabLover
Janet, so sorry to read this news about poor Lola and such a young age :cry3:

Sending lots of positive and healing thoughts for your beloved girl and to let you know we will be thinking of you tomorrow :bighug:


Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 16 May 2017, 16:44
by Blackdog
So sorry Lola feeling poorly. Have a read of the reviews of this supplement ... y=3&page=2

It has helped Emma recently. Hope she feels better soon.

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 16 May 2017, 23:01
by coco-bean
So sorry to read this Janet

:bighug: to Lola and will be thinking of you all tomorrow :bighug: for Barney too

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 16 May 2017, 23:26
by Joe + Hilary
So sorry to read this about Lola. Wishing her well with her x-rays tomorrow/today. Will be thinking of you and her. Hoping the vet can help her pain. My two will have their paws crossed for her.

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 17 May 2017, 14:51
by coco-bean
Thinking of you all today and hope you get some positive news from the vet :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 17 May 2017, 17:22
by Morticia1162
Lola is home, her shoulders are not to bad, her hips are wrecked, on a score of 1to10 she's 9. :blue:

Got meds and advice re exercise, waiting to hear from Liverpool vet hospital now to see what they think of her X-rays.

As long as we can manage her pain, that's what concerns me, feeling upset at the moment, thank you all for kind words. X

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 17 May 2017, 18:20
by Milliemax
Really sorry to hear about Lola. We are going through similar with our 12 year old Max. Xrays showed that he has spondylosis in 3 places in his spine and bad arthritis in his hips and knees. His front legs show no sign of arthritis. He had cartrophen injections which helped him but just over a week ago he suddenly couldn't get out of bed. It started with a slight limp but by afternoon he couldn't use his back right leg at all. We had to lift him up using a towel under his tummy. Monday we saw the vet and I really thought he wouldn't be coming home with us but he was given trocoxil tablets, he had one last week, one in two weeks then monthly for six months then a break. It was a miracle, the next day he was up walking as if nothing had happened. I am just a bit worried as the drug is a NSAID which can have bad effects on the tummy but we had to give him a chance. I wouldn't want him in pain. Hope everything goes well for Lola. Hugs and kisses from me and of course Max and Millie xxx

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 17 May 2017, 22:32
by Joe + Hilary
Sorry for your news about Lola. Hope the medicine does deal with the pain for her, I know how the thought of her being in pain would upset you. I hope you get some positive ways forward from the Liverpool vets. Wishing yourselves and Lola luck with treatment.

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 18 May 2017, 06:37
by Liz5353
Hello Janet and Lola
Just catching up this morning, you were very much in my thoughts yesterday, and I am sure it was a stressful.
Sending positive thoughts to Lola and I hope she has had a restful night, please give Lola and Barney a hug from us.
Love Liz xx

Re: Poor Lola

Posted: 18 May 2017, 15:34
by jackie
Hope they get something sorted for Lola, sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs.

Jackie x