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Low immune system

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 16:23
by Lins
Poor Molly, she is suffering from poor scabby skin. Her immune system is fighting her arthritis so hard that she is struggling to fight anything else.

Despite special shampoo from the vet, there is not much improvement.

I then started thinking about her food. She has been on JWB for years. I know they were bought out and started to wonder if any ingredients had changed. I am reliably informed that the answer to this was yes _ potassium.

Now I don't know what you think personally but, I don't think this should be done without a warning on the packaging.

It is too early to tell yet but needless to say, I have changed her food.

Please keep all crossed that this helps, it's heartbreaking to see her as uncomfortable as she is.

I will be back on with a progress report in a few weeks once we (hopefully) see a difference.

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 16:41
by JoanG
Sorry to hear about Molly, Lins. I totally agree manufacturers should give advance warning about changes to ingredients, years ago we had a lab on Eukanuba before it was taken over by one of the big giants and that was suddenly changed to cheaper ingredients. Another brand which we used, as it had oats as the cereal, went over to wheat, which we didn't want, without letting customers know. It can cause all sorts of problems.

Sending dear Molly loads of positive and healing thoughts that both the arthritis and skin problems can be brought under control asap.

Big hugs to Molly and these :love3: are for you Lins I know how worried you are.

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 17:40
by Glenys
I agree they shouldn't change the recipe without notice but many food firms do.

Hope Molly is feeling better soon xx

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 22:54
by Joe + Hilary
Sorry to hear Molly is having problems, I do hope she becomes more comfortable soon and look forward to hearing how she's getting on.

:bighug: Molly

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 23:29
by Diesel Kate
Poor Molly, I hope by changing her food that it will help to clear her skin Lins. Do manufacturers think it does not matter that they change ingredients in dog foods.

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 07:23
by Liz5353
Hello Lins and Molly
Oh Molly poor you so uncomfortable, let's hope you will feel very much improved very very soon and then mum will not be as stressed also.
I do agree about ingredient changes and how often do we look at this if we are happy with the food, maybe it is just me but I never do.
Molly :bighug: from our girls they are not with me at the moment and love to you Lins
Liz x

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 09:34
by LabLover
Sorry to hear Molly is suffering with her skin and hope the change in food will help.

Sending lots of positive and healing thoughts for your beautiful girl.

Please give Molly a :bighug: from us.

Thinking of you to Lins as I know how you will be feeling :love3:

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 13:05
by mollie
Aw Lins, poor Molly. Have you researched supplements to maybe give her immunity a boost?

We've got Jess and Tilly on Arden Grange. They have sardines in oil a couple of times a week, and a 'Sunday Dinner' which is the Burns wet food satchets once a week. Both have lovely shiny coats, and, touch wood, barely a days illness between them. They are both full of energy, and fit. It may just be that we are lucky - but diet in some dogs seems to make a massive difference.

Big hugs to Molls Dollls, and I hope she feels better soon. :bighug:

Re: Low immune system

Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 18:55
by jackie
Poor Molly sorry to hear she has skin problems. I agree they should have given notice if any change in ingredients.

I have always home cooked, started 13 years ago as Maggie has had bad skin problems all of her life so know what you are going through! Just let me know if you need any tips I have learnt a lot about dogs with skin problems over the years :2090:

Sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs for Molly.

Jackie x