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Fingers crossed

Posted: 03 Sep 2017, 15:54
by Maggies Dad
Fingers crossed for Maggie. She goes for surgery to remove a couple of "skin tags" (one on her eye and one on her leg) and a nasty "lump" on her front leg on Wednesday.
She's such a Sweetheart and at 10 year old, she still behaves like a puppy.
We Love you dearly Maggie :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 03 Sep 2017, 19:47
by Lins
Good luck with your surgery on Wednesday Maggie. Hope all goes well and you make a full and speedy recovery. You are a beautiful girl.

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 04 Sep 2017, 13:55
by Liz5353
Maggie we will be thinking of you on Wednesday, all paws crossed, you will be fine.
We love your beautiful photo how gorgeous are you.
Love Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly Polly :love2:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 05 Sep 2017, 13:00
by mollie
All crossed for Maggie, Brian. Get the lump off, and she'll carry on bouncing around, I'm sure.

Big hugs :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 05 Sep 2017, 13:11
by JoanG
Everything here crossed for beautiful Maggie for Wed. Sincerely hope the lump is removed easily and proves to be something simple. Wishing Maggie a full and speedy recovery.

:bighug: Maggie hope dad's got some special treats for you on Thursday. :love2:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 15:00
by Joe + Hilary
Fingers and paws crossed here for Maggie. Beautiful picture.

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 16:45
by Lins
Hope Maggie is soon home with you where she belongs and is soon on the mend. You have been in my thoughts today. :love3:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 18:26
by Maggies Dad
Maggie is home after a traumatic day, where she had 3 "skin tags" removed, and a very nasty looking "lump" taken away. She is, as always, full of Love and is enjoying kisses and cuddles. She is obviously uncomfortable as the anaesthetic wears off and is doing a good few groans and moans, but after the day she has had she is of course well entitled to a little "gurning". The hardest thing is to 1/ keep her from licking her wounds. 2/ stop her jumping around, and 3/ try to stop Max and Jess from "showing their concerns" for her.
Samples of the "lump" have been sent for testing and we can only hope they will come back as benign, fingers, paws and eyes crossed. She goes back on Friday for a post surgery check up, and then in a couple of weeks to have all the stitches removed. Until then, it's gentle time with only lead walking etc.
Maggie, we Love you Dearly..........Get well soon Sweetheart xxx
:love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 18:42
by Lins
Glad she's home. Wishing her a speedy recovery and an outcome that is good for all concerned. :bighug:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 19:11
by Maggies Dad
Thank You Lins, your wishes mean alot to us x
Love and Lllllllllllicks from Maggie :2379:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 19:25
by Liz5353
We are thrilled that Maggie is home, so we wish you a good recovery, sending love and get well soon beautiful Maggie.
Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly Polly :love2:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 19:30
by Maggies Dad
A BIG Thank you Liz from Maggie and us. We appreciate everyones' kind thoughts :)
B I G Llllllllicks from Maggie :3517:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 19:35
by JoanG
So pleased to read Maggie is home and that the op went well. Good luck with the recovery process, once she begins to feel a bit better she'll no doubt keep you on your toes making sure she keeps her stitches in place.

Sending Maggie positive and healing thoughts and sincerely hope the results of the biopsy come back as you want.

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 19:39
by Labs-R-Lovely
So pleased your girl is back safe with you. It's such a worrying time when they have to have anaesthetic. Hope the results of the biopsy are good. Enjoy the lead walks and keeping her calm!!!!!!

Sue and Merfyn :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Fingers crossed

Posted: 07 Sep 2017, 19:45
by Liz5353
Beautiful Maggie how are you today?
We hope you are improving.
Love Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly Polly :bighug: