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Coco has arthritis

Posted: 24 Nov 2017, 23:23
by coco-bean
Hi everyone,

I have been to see my new vet tonight and she was lovely :1951:

Goody two shoes Kinder got a clean bill of health (Apart from having to go on a diet) :1968: mum says she is built like a tank.

Me on the other hand it wasn’t great :blue: mum knew I had arthritis from a young age but I think it’s eventually catching up with me, I’m starting to limp just a little bit every now and again so my new vet and mum decided to put me back on yumove advance along with metacam on a “as and when I need it” :3517: I also have a small lump on my side, my vet thinks it’s a cyst so our mum is going to keep her eye on it for now but if it gets bigger I will need a needle sample, that’s going to be fun because I was really naughty in the consultation room :2008: I wouldn’t let the vet check my teeth :1968: my anal glands were full and I pulled and twisted to the point I pulled my head out of my collar :1968: :1968: (mum says I’ve been through so much at the vets she understands why I’m the way I am) oh and I also have to go on a diet f1 ME..... I’m super slim compared to goody two shoes HOW RUDE :1967:

Lots of love and licks from Coco and Kinder :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Coco has arthritis

Posted: 25 Nov 2017, 17:39
by Joe + Hilary
Coco, sorry to read you do have arthritis. Lets hope the Yumove does work magic. It did for my Tuppence a while ago. Lets keep paws crossed the cyst doesn't cause any probs. Good luck with your diet, no fun I know but you will feel better. :bighug:

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Coco has arthritis

Posted: 25 Nov 2017, 18:02
by JoanG
Hi Debbie sorry to hear about Coco's arthritis, please give her a big hug from me. Yumove Advance and reduced exercise for a while really helped George's arthritis, also we went to see a specialist orthopaedic vet and he said to keep George on the lean side as that would help his joint. We got 2 kg off him even though he wasn't overweight to start with and he stopped limping completely and we could walk him normally again but he wasn't one for tearing madly about so that probably helped him too. He also had 15 sessions of hydrotherapy, paid for by the insurance co, and I can't say whether that helped him or not but he really enjoyed it.

Hope Coco's arthritis responds to your regime and I'm sure they will both benefit from their diet although they probably wouldn't agree with that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Re: Coco has arthritis

Posted: 25 Nov 2017, 19:00
by jackie
Sorry to hear Coco has arthritis, amazing how the years whip by as I didn't think she was that old! Maggie developed it this year at 13 and since then I have learnt a lot about it. Definitely weight loss is number 1 on the list, do be careful with NSAIDS as they have their place but they sadly have their downsides too. Restricted and controlled exercise is also so important and as Joan says hydrotherapy is a good option too. Also worth considering Golden paste as lots of people say such good things about it.

Big hugs for Coco xx

Jackie x

Re: Coco has arthritis

Posted: 25 Nov 2017, 21:11
by Lins
Molly takes YuMove Advance (amongsy other things!)

I have changed her on to a raw diet and that has done her the world of good. She is not a greedy girl (I know she is a lab :1967: ) but it's true. Not too much of a problem with keeping the weight off but, she is a big, lean machine who weighs in at 50kg. The difficulty sometimes is restricting the exercise because of the lifestyle she's lead working the moors with me.

It is manageable, but I wish to God I had trained her from a puppy with a ramp. I have just taught her to put her "feet up" on the back of the car and heave her in. No wonder I have a bad hip.

I have just got on top of dermatitis because her immune system was working so hard on the arthritis so, I would suggest you keep a close eye on her. I hope you manage to control it, although it's not easy.

Big hugs to you all. :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Coco has arthritis

Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 11:23
by LabLover
Coco, so sorry to read you are in the wars :3517: and that your arthritis is playing up really hope the medication helps along with reduced exercise works.

Kinder, glad you got a clean bill of health other than having to go on a diet but at least Coco is joining you on it aswell, so you'll both be having the same and neither of you will be getting something the other can't have.

Sending you both a big :bighug: :bighug:

Thinking of you also Debbie, as I know you will be worried :love3:


Re: Coco has arthritis

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 05:13
by Liz5353
Hello Coco apologists for being late, we are away.
Oh poor you we are thinking of you, Bonnie especially sympathisers as she has arthritis, but is a lot older than you.
Mum will take good care of you, oh and the diet thing it is just not fair, Bonnie has also had to do this, but she has decided that she does not like the food!! Not to worry Molly loves it!!
Thinking of you Coco, tell Mum I will be in touch.
:bighug: :bighug: one each.
Love Liz :love2: :love2:

Re: Coco has arthritis

Posted: 28 Nov 2017, 00:08
by 12_paws
Oh dear Coco.....a DIET!! I can tell you're very very dare the vet suggest such a thing :1968:
I hope being back on your Yumove helps with the joints and the metacam gets rid of the niggles,
Des x