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Merfyn's 2nd Gotcha

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 10:27
by Labs-R-Lovely
Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything on the Forum, as I tend to do Facebook more ( mainly because I can put photos on there)
:2806: :2803: :2806: :2811:
However, I wanted the regulars here to have an update about Merfyn, who I adopted 2 years ago yesterday.

Can't believe that he's been with me for 2 years - seems like for ever! And I wouldn't be without him. I love him to bits and he loves me back the same :love2:
He is really the most perfect dog in so many ways - so affectionate and a wonderful companion over the hard times I've had over the past 18 months in particular. He still has many issues, which unfortunately centre round other dogs and some people. This has made it difficult when I've wanted to walk him, as he reacts very strongly towards other dogs. He particularly dislikes small dogs and also other boy dogs, plus he's not too keen on men. It's a 'catch 22' situation, as I now tend to walk him (and Lucy) at times and in places where I know there will be few, if any dog encounters, so he's not really getting the opportunity to learn that it's OK to walk past (of course there are so many people who let their dogs run loose and then say 'It's OK they only want to play').
I think he's also very protective of me and what he regards as his territory, so he barks when in the car when we pass dogs!!)

I am so pleased that I adopted Lucy last October, as he now has dog company, though they both vie for my attention something crazy. But, they are good for one another and having a very young dog has been so good for Merfyn, bringing out a more playful side of him. He's also picked up some of Lucy's naughty behaviours!! (and she has picked up some of his too, of course).

He still sleeps with me on the bed - think sometimes he gets more of the bed than me, but it's lovely having a doggie hottie! :rofl:

When he decides to get off the bed, Lucy gets on! :rofl:

So, just to say a very big 'Thank you' to Glenys and the team for allowing me to adopt this amazing boy - he really has helped mend my broken heart after losing Barney :love3: :love3:

Big hugs from me :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: and sloppy licks from Merfyn and Lucy :love6: :love6:

Re: Merfyn's 2nd Gotcha

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 14:11
by JoanG
:2803: Happy Gotcha Day Merfyn :2803:

Glad to hear you and Lucy are keeping your mum on her toes, I expect you will both be utterly spoilt today so make the most of your special day :1972: :bighug:

Re: Merfyn's 2nd Gotcha

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 14:31
by Liz5353
Merfyn have a wonderful day 2 years have gone quickly.
:2799: :2799: :2803: :2803:
Lovely to hear from you Sue and good to hear that Lucy is doing well also.
Wishing you ALL a great day
Love Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly Polly :love2:

Re: Merfyn's 2nd Gotcha

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 18:53
by Joe + Hilary

:2799: :2799:

Good to read your update and about how you and Lucy get up to mischief, also that you look after Mum. It's a shame about your dislike of dogs in particular and men sometimes (they can be a pain at times though). Just as well your Mum got you Lucy.

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Merfyn's 2nd Gotcha

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 20:03
by 12_paws
A very happy 2nd Gotcha Day Merfyn!
Good to hear how you're getting on, sounds like you and Lucy are great mates and take good care of Mum!
Des x

Re: Merfyn's 2nd Gotcha

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 00:13
by Ann Mee
Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Merfyn, hope you had a fabulous day :2803: :2799:

Ann x

Re: Merfyn's 2nd Gotcha

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 10:42
by LabLover
:2818: A Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Merfyn :2818:

Hope you enjoyed your day, sounds like you and Lucy are partners in crime and keep your mum on her toes :love6: