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Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 08:46
by littleorp2
Yassou everone
We'll I'm here in the uk. My plane landed at Manchester this morning at 2.16 and Carol and Geoff picked me up. Because it was the middle of the night and I am very scared and unconfident they brought me to their home in Cheshire for a couple of weeks TLC as my foster mum and dad, infact I think I will call them fm and fd to you.
I was a very good girl. I got out of my crate and jumped into their car without being told and fm sat in the back with me and I looked out of the window.
When we got here we went into the conservatory and I had some water and a little chicken and rice which I ate up, but I couldn't settle so Fm lay down on the settee in the conservatory and stayed with me. I managed a doze for about an hour but really all I want to do is go outside. Fm says she understands as I've been used to the pound and kennels. So she opened the doors properly at 6am and I feel much happier.
However, because I'm scared and don't know or trust anyone I've been looking for ways out of the garden. I even climbed right on top of the log store but fm said to get down so I did. Then I had a bit more chicken and rice and gradually I think I've decided I don't need to try and run away.
Fm went to let the chickens out and I followed her, but they thought I was a fox, must be my bushy tail, and they made a right racket. I immediately thought I had done something wrong and hid behind a tree and I was cowering, but fm called me and said I was a good girl and tickled my ears so I smiled with my eyes and looked happy. She said I mustn't be scared it wasnt my fault and even though it had obviously been my fault in the bad days it wasn't now.
Then guess what. Fm's daughter lives next door and there is gate between the two gardens. She went to let her chickens out and her little girl, my fm grandaughter who is 8 was with her. Fm was talking to them at the gate and fm said to me "come send say hello" and I did. I went tight up to the gate and put my nose through to sniff then. Fm told me I was very brave
Talking of sniffing. It smells really different here. I keep sitting with my nose in the air sniffing with my eyes shut. I do it for ages.
Oh yes, fm has a cat who I have seen. I wagged my tail at her but she just looked at me and walked off. Guess we will be friends then but a bit later.
Oh well, sleep is catching up on me. I've decided lying in the sun and catching some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is better than writing this.
Speak soon and thank you all so much for caring about me. I will be going over to visit auntie Glenys soon to say hello. Just need to get over my jet lag.

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 09:39
by mollie
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: and Kalimera to Tasmin!

What a big change for you Tasmin. Right now you must be wondering what has happened to you! Suddenly finding yourself in a completely strange country, and on top of that, a different home. What a lovely start you are having to your new life. You have a lot of things to get used to, but you'll soon learn to trust and relax.

Thank you Carol and Geoff for looking after Tasmin :love3: You must be shattered (unless you're used to being up all night :1968: ) I'm sure you will be rewarded a thousand times over as you watch Tasmin's confidence grow.

I'm sure Kareen will be delighted to read about Tasmin's first few hours in the UK.

Looking forward to more updates.....and photos if you can. Xx

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 09:51
by Glenys
Welcome Tasmin a very different life now for you no need to ever be afraid again xx

Lots of people on here love you already and have from the first time we saw those picture's of a very scared little girl who we all wanted to help :love5: and you have had a spaying operation and learned to trust at the boarding kennels then a big day and flying on a big bird such a brave girl xxx

Carol and Geoff are magic people they offered to come and get you and look after you for us and that is wonderful.
You have wonderful new things to learn and I cant wait to meet you but first you need some time to adjust but when you come to see us you can come into our magic garden where all the dogs are happy and run and play.

We love you Tasmin we will put you together again xxx

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 10:13
by littleorp2
Tasmin really is gorgeous. Bigger than her pics, very long and very, very sad eyes. We are taking things very slowly, including movement. If you go to get up she immediately backs away scared. She is so quiet too, not a murmur.

Yes I'm shattered, it was nearly 4.oam by the time we got home as she was the last dog released. I stayed with her and dozed on settee till 6.0 just been to get dressed and she didn't recognise me in different clothes, backed away scared till I spoke then wagged her tale timidly. It's going to be a long slow process gaining her trust and confidence. But she really is beautiful. Can't begin to imagine what sort of a life she has had, but we will get her there.
Going for a walk shortly, will keep posting and put on pics when I can. I've taken quite a few already.
Carol x

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 10:21
by jackie
Bless her all she has known is sadness and then just as things were getting better things changed for her. Carol you are a star helping her sounds like she is going to need lots of tlc which we know she will get from you :love3: :love3:

Jackie x

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 10:37
by LabLover
So glad Tasmin and the other pup's have arrived their lives can begin.

Bless Tasmin it must be such a huge change for her to what she''s been used to. Feel sure with the TLC from Carol and family over the next couple of weeks she will soon learn to trust and that no one is going to hurt her :love2:

Thank you Carol for taking Tasmin into your home and look forward to more updates on her progress :love3:

Amanda Jim Milo Zak & Max x

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 10:39
by Patmar
Hello Tasmin
What wonderful news to know that you are safely here. Sounds to me that you are going to be one spoilt little girl.

Thank you Carol and Geoff for being for being so kind to her.


Pat, Zach, Jake and Yogi
x x x x

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 10:50
by Glenys
I cannot thank Carol and Geoff enough for their help in this and must thank also others who also offered help too and transport as well.
Carol steadfastly stuck to her commitment to also foster and even while away on holiday kept in touch with Kareen and me which was crucial really for to come back into kennels would have been so sad and maybe undo all that has painstakingly been done so far these dogs cannot tell us what went before and why she is so scared lets not forget she wouldn't come out from her little box for a long time so much so each day they expected she would be dead.
This story is ongoing and thank God for lovely people who have helped her learn that life is not bad at all and those who have given donations to also help her which is great.

Baby steps all the way for the lovely Tasmin

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 11:08
by Cyprus pound
Hi. Once again a HUGE thank you for helping my "baby girl" start a new life in the UK, it's maybe a good thing we don't know what happened to her in the past, but we do know it will never happen again and she will only know good times and lots of love and affection. From the pound volunteers we thank everyone for supporting us.

Take care Tasmin and keep your head up and enjoy life to the full, your bad memories will soon fade, love you baby girl, can't wait to see your tail wagging and you bounding up to fm and fd with confidence.

Kareen x x x x :love5:

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 11:16
by JM
Wonderful! :love3:

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 13:12
by jackiem
Well all the way through Tasmin's story I have held it together with no tears but this has left me with a happy lump in my throat and tears streaming down my face.

Enjoy your new life Tasmin. You will get there slowly but surely and soon be as cheeky as all our furry friends. :love5:

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 13:26
by Glenys
Tasmin in her flight crate


Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 16:02
by Maggie May
Bless you Tasmin :love5: I am so glad you are safely here now.

Thank you so much to Carol and Geoff for looking after you :love3:

I look forward to more news as it comes.

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 16:22
by coco-bean
jackiem wrote:This has left me with a happy lump in my throat and tears streaming down my face.
Can't say I have kept it together :1967:

Tasmin what can I say.... It sounds like you are in fantastic hands and I like everyone will enjoy reading all Your stories.

A very :bighug: and :love4: for Tasmin

:love3: :love3: for Carol and Geoff

Re: Yassou (hello) from Tasmin

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 16:48
by Megsmum
Leaky eyes here too!
Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard and tirelessly to help this lovely girl :love3: :love3:
Tasmin, I can't wait to hear all about your new life and see lots of photos.
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: all round x