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Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 23:18
by Lindsay
Lucy erupted into my life in 2011. By the end of 2013 I felt she needed a canine companion and at Easter 2013 we teamed up with Lollo (now renamed Rollo, as I did not feel up to standing in a field shouting for a breed of lettuce). They were perfect together at first meeting at MKF. Lucy was not the most confident dog (part of the reason I wanted a companion for her) but with Rollo she was on equal footing from Day One, contesting for toys. She also tried contesting for his dinner. But only once... When you are a Labrador some things are sacred. He is a great goofball of the laid back variety of Labrador (if nothing is happening, I'll just lie down here until it does) as opposed to her Stir It Up attitude (if nothing is happening I'll stir things up until it does; not always helpful in an office environment...) but they are so happy together. A pair of delights. And before you all ask, I will try and sort out some photos - just have to get them off the phone first....

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 23:32
by Gemma T
What a lovely update! Just shows that opposites attract!
Gemma x

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 23:37
by Megsmum
Welcome to the site and thank you for the lovely update! :love3:
It's always good to hear how the rescued dogs are getting on - looking forward to seeing some photos when you get the hang of it. (I can never manage it without help!) :1001:

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 23:38
by 12_paws
Hi and welcome,
just looked back to catch a peek of Rollo but his picture is no longer within his description post. So........yes, you've of Rollo and Lucy would be lovely - they sound like the perfect match!
Des x

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 10:23
by Willow
So pleased that Lucy and Rollo gelled from the outset. Can't wait to see the two of them together to complete the picture :1972:

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 12:05
by JoanG
What a lovely update and to adopt two dogs who gelled together so well from the beginning was absolutely meant to be. :love5: :love5:

Looking forward to hearing more about your gorgeous twosome and hopefully seeing a photo or two :thumbup: :1939:

Joan x

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 21:52
by mollie
:1968: That made great reading!

Rollo and Lucy sound like a great pair. Two are better than one. :thumbup:

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 07:49
by Ruth61
Lovely update - and it has set me wondering about the practicalities and logistics of having two dogs. Indie is a very anxious girl - terrified of moving vehicles, not happy with lots of stationary vehicles near her (but slowly coming to terms with them), more at ease with women, worried about strange noises and almost anything really. We feel she led a somewhat inhibited life without much socialisation before she came to us.
She is fantastic with other dogs and has lots of doggie friends to play with when she goes out (in the car to a fantastic country park/racecourse - you can walk for miles over all sorts of terrain, though mostly waterlogged and muddy at the moment).
We are working with a dog behaviour therapist to try and get her over her absolute fear of being around moving vehicles, and from this we can see that Indie gains confidence from the other dogs she surrounds Indie with. I was thinking that maybe having an older and totally relaxed dog with her 24/7 would help her. We've had dogs for over 25 years, but have never had more than one at a time. My husband had a major stroke seven years ago which has left him weak on his left hand side so we can't afford to introduce anything which would cause any more problems for him.
This is probably not the thread to ask advice on but any comments and advice would be gratefully received.

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 23:19
by 12_paws
Hi Ruth,
I know that another rescue site that re-homes a lot of ex breeding girls who have had very 'sheltered' lives always prefers to re-home where there is another steady resident dog so that the anxious one learns from and gets confidence from a companion.
Personally, I have always had at least two labs together as they seem, as a breed, to be so sociable and get into less mischief with each other for company.
If you decided to have a second companion, I'm absolutely sure that Glenys would guide you,
Des x

Re: Rollo (was Lollo) and Lucy Blackspot

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 07:38
by Ruth61
Hi Des

Thanks for your advice - My gut feeling is that you're spot on. It's something I'm going to have to think about as I'm at work all day for 4 days a week though hubbie is retired. It would have to be his decision really as he has the responsibility for the day time usually.

Thanks again
