Labrador Rescue(North West Area)

"Where every Labrador counts"

Helping Elvis.

Elvis is a 20 month old black labrador who is otherwise healthy and loves to play in water.

He's quite well behaved and shows his intelligence when he isn't digging and being over excited.

Unfortunately Elvis was born with a cleft palate which has left him with issues which impact him now and if left untreated could lead to serious health issues in the future.

His cleft palate means that when he eats and drinks, food and liquid can make their way through a series of holes in the top of his mouth and become loose or lodged in his nasal cavities. This frequently causes him to have gooey discharge from his nose, extended bouts of sneezing and uncomfortable times when he tries to rub his nose into the ground to dislodge things that are stuck.

He was treated for this as a young pup, but it seems he now needs further help as he has grown and developed new holes in his palate. Due to the risk of this leading to serious infections in future he needs treating urgently. At his most recent visit to the vets, he underwent an MRI scan and following that the surgeon has expressed optimism this is treatable and confirmed they will do their best for him.

Inspite of his health issues, he's a really lovely dog to be around and he loves a cuddle at bedtime and falls asleep on you given the chance. In a former life he was either a teddy bear or a seal, or both!


Current estimates for his treatment are approximately £3,000 but this could increase should he need additional treatment.



Donations can be made via the PayPal buttons below:


Donation to Elvis' treatment

Please use the PayPal button below to make your donation.

Any amount, no matter how small will help us to help this Labrador enjoy a normal, healthy life again.