In the beginning

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In the beginning

Post by Glenys »

History of rescue 94/95

Having a clear out this weekend uncovered one of my rescue Diaries from way back this was when some dogs were homed from home its all handwritten and I had forgotten but at that time we had many dogs from stray kennels some homed from home could be a disaster as we would sort out a home then the owners would pull out, have a dog PTS or pass around.
Often people would say a dog had bitten them just to get rid which was awful because by todays laws that dog would not be deemed un re homable.

One record says :

Toby 3 year old black male we had this dog before I wrote adopter said he need to come back he has bitten her I don’t believe it ! I’ve seen this dog he is lovely so we are fostering him he is not in good health has a lump near testicle and epileptic .
Toby had his op his epilepsy meds were sorted .

Toby lived to a good age care for by his Fosterer Tony in Manchester .

We often took dogs from stray kennels One such dog was Tom we gave him that name when I went to the kennels he was in a tiny bed with his back to us he had no light in his eyes ,so sad he was stuck in the bed he was an old boy when he came out he went to the door on his poorly legs but we couldn’t have him till Wednesday in case he was claimed the kennels had a policy of if the Vet came early they would euthanize early so I got a large piece of cardboard from my car and wrote in big writing “ This dog is for Labrador Rescue we will collect him Wednesday if any harm comes to him there will be trouble ! then fixed it to his kennel I then said to the kennel boy now get him a bloody big bed and I fetched a blanket from the car.
We collected him Wednesday our vet gave him PLT tablets Sam said Glenys where will he go? and who will have him I said he is coming home with us where he lived for five lovely months we never knew his age he would often sit in the garden looking far away perhaps with his memories we wished so much he could tell us but he had his extra time and love and he taught us that old dogs deserve so much not to end up on death row in a cold kennels to die.
I am so glad Sam found the Diary because it has prompted me now to write about our history before I get too old !

Figures for that year 141 dogs
18 returned
12 once,
4 twice and
2 three times .
Another Dog called Harry caused havoc in his new home at first the tales were hilarious he was banned from his training class for pulling a large partition down ! I think he ate or destroyed most the the appliances Landline phone,hoover,waste pipes flooding kitchen his last crime was the final straw he ate the whole contents of the fridge containing food for a childs birthday party he came back but Harrys story had a good ending H e joined the Army and became a very talented search dog .

At least 47% were from stray kennels often involving long trips as urgent to Wales Birkenhead ,Station House to name a few.
There are may many stories to tell and thanks to supporters and friends and volunteers the Job is easier new technology makes keeping records easier and keep our supporters involved .

I hope you enjoy reading my delve into the past and when we took the step to form this rescue.

1995 to 2018
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