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Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 16:18
by LabLover
So pleased to hear Mr G is home and sending lots more positive and healing thoughts his way :bighug:


Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 19:46
by jackie
Sorry this is late Glenys just catching up, sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs to you all.

Jackie x

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 11:16
by maxie
I hope Gollie is getting over the major surgery and is improving. What a distressing time for you and Sam.
Sending hugs and healing thoughts,

Joan xxx

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 14:13
by Glenys
Post op check this morning no swelling and wound seems fine as well as it can be at this stage but had a good chat re living with a dog with no spleen also awaiting biopsy results , Mr G is very clingy and caused some damage to the door no idea why also we are on alert for him being lethargic again and if he goes off his food its straight to the Vets.

Dogs are such a worry I'm not ashamed to admit both Sam and I have shed some tears this week over our lovely Boy, he got very excited though when Carol Came over thee other day which was nice.

On wards and upwards we have to all be positive xxx


Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 14:28
by LabLover
Awww bless him, sending lots more positive and healing thoughts for your gorgeous boy. We will keep everything crossed that the biopsy results are good.

Please give Mr G a :bighug: from all of us.

Thinking of you both, as we can imagine the amount of tears shed for your boy in a million :love3:


Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 15:16
by Lins
I can imagine the tears shed and can understand why.

Playing the waiting game isn't easy either. Keeping everything crossed that can be crossed for a good result from the biopsy.

We will continue with the positive and healing thoughts for you Mr. G and pray for a full and speedy recovery. :bighug:

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 17:34
by Blackdog
Just catching up with posts. Hope Mr G continues to improve, with lots of love and thousands of positive thoughts he should feel better soon.

Wishing him a speedy recovery x

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 18:29
by Blakey
Oh my goodness - like others I'm just catching up and have just seen your posts about Gollie.

He's such a lovely boy. So pleased that he's back home with you now where he belongs.

Sending lots of love and positive thoughts for your special boy.




Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 18:57
by Liz5353
Thinking of you Gollie and sending you love and positive thoughts for continuing improvement.
Love from Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly n Polly :love2:

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 19:02
by mcca
So sorry to hear all about Gollie you must have been worried sick we are glad he is improving fingers and paws crossed for a good outcome

anne and jess

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 12 Oct 2016, 22:19
by Lisahoward123
Get well soon Mr G

Love lisa Archie :bighug: and tarka xxx

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 08:24
by jackie
Lovely photo of gorgeous Gollie pleased he is doing ok. As for the tears there is barely a day passes where I do not shed a tear for my dogs, my eldest is 12 luckily fit and well but I know our time together is coming to an end, at this age you never know what is around the corner.

Sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs to you all and special ones for Gollie.

Jackie x

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 15:45
by Lins
Just having a quick peek and wondering how Mr G is doing. Big hugs all round. :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 14:30
by Glenys
Vet saw Gollie yesterday and we also got results from biopsy its Leiomyosarcoma
So basically hes on borrowed. Time we dont know how long we have its awful so we will love him and spoil him and treasure each day we have him it feels very unfair that all the unwanted dogs we help and we cant help our own very much loved boy

Thank you for all the good wishes it means a lot to us keep us all in your thoughts and prayers because we have been through this before with Ned aged four and because when this diagnosis happens you start to grieve from day one :cry3:

Re: Our Lovely Gollie

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 15:56
by Lins
Can't say how very sorry I am to read this. Thinking of you all and will keep you in our thoughts.

Nothing I can say will make anything better but, suffice it to say, I would if I could. Hugs all round. :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

I know this is easier said than done but, stay strong. :love3: