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Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 16:57
by LabLover
Hi Everyone,

We took Little Max back to see John today and although the 6 weeks on antibiotics have sorted out the infection, as there was no swelling on his feet, they haven't sorted out the rawness as his feet are still red raw. So before we look at laser treatment John suggested we try a cream called Protopic which he said he's held back from using but having spoken with Rebecca Max 's IBD specialist who is a Dr in medicine they have agreed we should give it ago. They are both baffled as in theory the Atopica he's on for his IBD should also cure his feet and isn't.

We have to give John a call back in 2 weeks with an update. What is amazing is that Little Max remains happy and so enjoyed himself today giving them all what we call that special Littke Max greeting.

Please can you continue to send positive and healing thoughts for our boy, as I do believe they really work.

Thank you all again and will keep you posted.


Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 17:10
by JoanG
As ever buckets more positive and healing thoughts coming to Max from here. I sincerely hope this cream does the trick he so deserves to be free of his foot problems :love5: :love5: and :bighug: to your brave boy.

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 17:16
by Morticia1162
Aw, the poor boy.

Lots and lots of positive healing thoughts from here. :bighug: :1972: :bighug: :1972:

Hoping the cream does the trick.

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 17:42
by Lins
Bucket loads of positive and healing thoughts for Little Max. Hoping the cream sorts his sore paws out. :bighug:

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 19:15
by eamonnmoore
Hope they find a remedy for little max :2362:

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 19:48
by broadhorizons29
Lots and lots of positive thoughts and prayers that he is sorted out soon. These dogs are so in the moment that you can't fail to be amazed at their love of life, whatever it throws at them. bless him and hopefully the cream will work wonders.

Lots of love
Lin and Oscar

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 07:22
by Liz5353
Hello to you all just catching up
Sending Little Max your gorgeous brave boy all the love and healing thoughts that we can, and of course we are thinking of you all also.
Love Liz ( Shelly Bonnie Molly Polly in UK sending love)

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 18:46
by jackie
Poor little Max bless him he has certainly been a brave lad. Sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs hope his paws are better soon.

Jackie x

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 19:00
by coco-bean
Sweet sweet Max we are sending you positive healing thought by the buckets full from here. We hope you get a break soon it's just not fair :2379:

Coco & Kinder send you sloppy :love4: and I am sending :bighug: s for you and :love3: for mum & dad for looking after you so well :bighug: to Zak too

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 30 Sep 2016, 00:35
by Joe + Hilary
Continuing to send Little Max wishes that his paws will get better, brave happy little chap that he is.

(I suppose they would have prescribed that cream that hardens the pads if it may be helpful (hunting dogs use it particularly here apparently, one of my dogs had it once for going down the lanes/and would have suggested those boots that rescue dogs can wear if they would have helped?)

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Little Max - back at N/W Surgeons

Posted: 30 Sep 2016, 11:58
by mollie
Big hugs to little Max and all crossed that the cream sorts his feet out. He's certainly a little soldier, bless him. I'm sure the reason he stays so happy is down to the fantastic home that he has. He probably has so much happiness in his life, he doesn't give his health problems any thought!

Keep us updated Amanda - glad Max is in good spirits xxx