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Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 19:12
by Lins
Just thought I'd give you all an update on Molly after a real roller coaster of a ride. :2008:

I think, nay hope that we have now seen the last of the lovely vet Chelsea at least for another six month.

We went to see her on Wednesday and she said she needn't see us again for another six months as finally, we had got Molly's arthritis under control. She decided to take another blood sample just to be on the safe side with meds etc. Off Molly went with Chelsea, never looking back as if she knew what was coming. She came back out wagging her tail as if to say "no problem."

Well, I got a call from Chelsea yesterday afternoon to say that her potassium levels were off the scale and she had never seen a reading quite so high. Well, you can imaging, my heart dropped into my stomach. She went on to explain that she was sure there was nothing to worry about because she thought it was a fault on the machine.

We were back at again this morning for yet another blood sample. Off Molly trotted, this time probably thinking "oh no, not again."

We went home, choked on some tasteless lunch awaiting the call. Now the good bit, it was the machine and all is normal.

I have just read the post re Bonnie and her arthritis. I don't know if this will be of any help but, I can only say that Molly is now managing quite well. She has 2 Onsior tablets per day (cheese triangle) and 1 Boswellia tablet (cheese triangle) - just to say that this equals two Dairylea cheese triangles - and her Yumove which she thoroughly enjoys.

I know there are dogs really struggling at present (Mr. Gollie and Skye immediately come to mind) but I just wanted to share some good news. I pray that we hear some good news about both and they get 'sacked' from the vets soon too.

Message to George................I'm still up for it! :2379:

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 19:52
by jackie
Lins wrote: Message to George................I'm still up for it! :2379:
Lins you do make me laugh! I am pleased Molly is doing well you are right it is nice to hear some positive news. I hope Molly continues to improve.

Sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs to you all and special ones for Molly :love3:
Jackie x

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 20:29
by Keith
Good news Molly :lol: Way to go.

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 22:23
by Diesel Kate
Brilliant news lins. :bravo:

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 07:16
by Liz5353
Hi Lins and Molly
Well what a couple of days you have had, we are very pleased that all is well in the end, but very worrying at the time.
Like you Lins cheese triangles are in use at our house as well ( thanks to Sam ) Bonnie is staying on synoquin and from tomorrow Previcox also. I am about to go walking with the other 3 so she will not be happy.!!
Joan mentioned the cold and living where we do I am sure that this does not help.
However this is really about your beautiful Molly so :bighug: from us and keep well Molly.
Thinking of you all and sending love
Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly n Polly xx :love3:

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 09:15
by JoanG
Really pleased to read that Molly is doing well and that her arthritis meds are agreeing with her. I can imagine how you felt when you got the potassium readings, even with the vet saying it must be a faulty machine :2008: , it's impossible to function properly until you get the results of the retest. So :bighug: to Molly and these :love3: are for you.

Lin please pass on to Molly that George is also doing well, the arthritis in his left elbow is being managed with just 3 YuMove Advance tablets daily and we are able to take him on longer walks too. His vet wanted to put him on Metacam but I don't want to use anything like that unless it's absolutely necessary.

George says "Way to go Molly and there's a lot of life left in this old dog too"!! :rofl: :rofl:

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 12:10
by Lins
JoanG wrote:Really pleased to read that Molly is doing well and that her arthritis meds are agreeing with her. I can imagine how you felt when you got the potassium readings, even with the vet saying it must be a faulty machine :2008: , it's impossible to function properly until you get the results of the retest. So :bighug: to Molly and these :love3: are for you.

Lin please pass on to Molly that George is also doing well, the arthritis in his left elbow is being managed with just 3 YuMove Advance tablets daily and we are able to take him on longer walks too. His vet wanted to put him on Metacam but I don't want to use anything like that unless it's absolutely necessary.

George says "Way to go Molly and there's a lot of life left in this old dog too"!! :rofl: :rofl:
Message duly passed on with a big kiss. Just realised their initials.....MG......sporty little jobs. :1967:

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 13:59
by Glenys
Good girl Molly tell Mum we have discovered LIDL cheesy triangles to be extra Blooming ,excellent thicker too Mummy needs to economies now My Vet fees have been paid.

Love n Kisses

Gollie Fryer Esq xxxxxxxxxxxx :love3:

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 14:20
by LabLover
What a worry bet it was such a relief to hear the machine was faulty.

Glad to hear the vets are pleased with Molly and that she is doing well, give her a :bighug: from all of us.


Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 15:11
by 12_paws
Oh, was glad to get to the sentence that said the machine was faulty!!
Really pleased for you both,
Des x

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 08 Oct 2016, 17:50
by Blackdog
'Good golly Miss Molly' you sure know how to worry your mum. Glad meds are working and you will be able to rock and roll with George Clooney soon x

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 09 Oct 2016, 09:51
by mollymunch
Great news for Molly. Hope things will stay settled for her :2379:

Alison x

Re: Molly and a roller coaster of a ride!

Posted: 09 Oct 2016, 23:03
by Aileen
Great news, Lins. What a relief for you. Delighted to hear it. Big kisses to Molly from Maisie and Annie.