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Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 21:48
by LabLover
Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for your kind posts but my beloved boy is still struggling , like Glenys says you know that gut instinct.

All I can ask is you keep little max in your prays and thought.

He's really not right, just know it, 0h away so off to see Ruth in Morn.

Really hopeing it's just the pain relief that's causing him to be like he is, but know that's not Max .

All I can ask you keep him in your thoughts and prays.


Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 22:01
by Morticia1162
Oh Amanda, so so sorry that Little Max is struggling so much, big gentle :bighug: for him, sending him much love.

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 22:56
by mollie
Healing thoughts for Max, Amanda. He's going through a lot at the moment so all crossed he's just off colour as a result.


Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 00:58
by Joe + Hilary
So sorry your Little Max is still causing worry. You are the best one to know if something is not right, or as right as it should be, I hope the vet is able to help. Sending best thoughts for him, your brave little soldier.

Hilary, Rowley & Douma

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 06:45
by Liz5353
Hello Amanda
Sending you positive thoughts by the bucketful for beautiful Little Max please give him also a little kiss from us,but we must not forget about Zak and a kiss for him also.
Thinking of you all and all paws crossed, thanks for all your good wishes to us also, this is all So stressful.
Love Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly n Polly xx :love3:

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 07:25
by mollymunch
Sending hugs to you and little Max. Hope he's on the mend soon.

Alison x

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 10:29
by jackie
Sending lots of healing thoughts, hugs and prayers for Max, hope he is ok.

Jackie x

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 11:08
by mcca
positive thoughts coming your way

hoping little max will feel better soon

anne and jess

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 17:49
by Lins
More positive and healing thoughts winging their way to Little Max.

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 18:41
by JoanG
Buckets more positive and healing thoughts coming to Little Max from here, everyone on here is rooting for you gorgeous boy.

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 19:27
by coco-bean
So sorry to read little Max is not well, sending buckets full of positive healing thoughts to him and hope you got good news today. :bighug:

Thinking of you all :love3:

Re: Little Max - is not Well - Update

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 19:37
by LabLover
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all your positive thoughts.

Little Max saw our vet today, as he really was down which is so out of character for him,other then when he went through the IBD process and when his tummy telescoped.

He's still lathergic but did attempt a jump up at the receptionist desk. He had a 100% health check and everything is normal although he's lost 1kg since last week but they have put that down to change of food plus medication.

They said him being lathergic is due to the extra high dose of steroids he's been hit with and as he's only got another day before they are reduced to leave it as they don't want to reduce it especially as this is what Vanessa at Liverpool Vet Hospital has recommended. But if no better after they are reduced we need to speak to Vanessa or they will do it for us.

Feeling more positive about my beloved boy now and think it is the Med's, as he's on 12 tablets aday at the moment 6 are Steriods plus 2 pain relief.

Thank you again but please keep my beloved boy in your thoughts and prayers as we still don't know the results from Liverpool when we hav a joint appt with Vanessa and bone specialist.

Little Max sends you lots of sloppy Licks for thinking about him :2362:


Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 22:56
by Maisiemoo
Thinking of you and little Max

Hope everything works out well for the little fella and he perks up soon :bighug:

Kay and Ripple

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 23:02
by mollie
Glad to hear that there's an explanation for him being off colour Amanda. Steroids are potent, so it sounds quite reasonable that there are side effects, and he's on quite a lot of meds at the moment as well.

Good that tests are normal - at least it helps keep you positive.

Hugs to you and Max :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Little Max - is not Well

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 14:40
by Liz5353
We are thinking of you all and continue to send positive thoughts.
Love Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly n Polly :love2: