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Good news

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 10:03
by Glenys
How wonderful to receive this money today and a special thank you Liam Rigbye for nominating and us surprisingly I had just paid on behalf of rescue 555.40 for a dog named Billy who has had the York allergy test and vet support so what a coincidence

I’m writing with good news! AXA launched its 2019 Community Grant Scheme back in June and one of our colleagues, Liam Rigbye, put Labrador Rescue (North West) forward for the Northern region.
Since late July our employees have been voting for their favourite projects, from all of the nominations, and I’m really pleased to let you know that Labrador Rescue (North West) polled enough votes to secure a £500 grant from AXA.
We would like to make this donation via a BACS transfer, so please could you confirm Labrador Rescue (North West)’s sort code and account number and we will arrange that payment immediately.
Now the scheme has come to a close for 2019, we will be celebrating it with stories and announcements within our organisation. The scheme runs across all the different AXA operating companies in the UK and all of the 25 town and cities, in which we are based, so it is nice to recognise the scale and collaboration of the awards. Initially we are asking all of our winners if they might provide us with a quote that we can use for these articles. We then also like to follow-up some weeks later, to get an update about how the money has been spent etc. All of these stories go onto our intranet pages, for our employees to see.
Naturally we would be very happy if you wanted to announce this via your own media channels – our AXA UK eBusiness team have Facebook and Twitter channels and would be able to share and/or retweet. Please let me know if you would like to do this and I can give you all of the relevant account details (we have several, so it’s just a question of interacting with the correct one).
Speak soon,
Graham Thomas
Community and Education Consultant
Culture and community team
AXA PPP healthcare



Re: Good news

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 11:23
by Cathy H
Great bit of news and well done to Liam for putting it forward. Thanks for sharing the good news Glenys. Lovely picture of Billy too.

Re: Good news

Posted: 28 Sep 2019, 16:13
by JoanG
Fantastic news. Well done AXA and Liam Rigbye :bravo:

Re: Good news

Posted: 01 Oct 2019, 06:12
by Liz5353
Brilliant news, thank you Liam.
Liz Molly Polly Raisin x :1951: