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Katie and molly

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 14:58
by mollysmum
Here are some photos of katie and molly taken recently on one of our many walks
molly is harrassing katie as usual, but katie takes it all in her stride
waiting patiently to see what treats were on the way
going for a swim
guess what molly had just rolled in
just glad that the weather is warmer as they both seem to need a bath every time we go for a walk these days and it`s nice for them to sit out in the sun and dry.

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 15:35
by Gemma T
Absolutely great photos Linda! They look like they have a ball together!!!
Gemma xx

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 18:22
by skippy1962uk
great pictures

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 18:27
by jackiem
Wonderful pictures. They look really happy.

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 18:27
by benjiesmum
Lovely to see them having fun. This weather has been glorious hasn't it! It makes all the difference to a dog walk when just the dog can get wet.

:1954: :1963: :1954: :1963:

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 20 Apr 2009, 11:49
by Mad Maisie
Lovely photos. :1961: They are gorgeous :1941: :1941:

Gill, Meg and Maisie

:occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion7:

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 20 Apr 2009, 16:23
by Diesel Kate
Great Pictures. Lovely dog :1971: :1973: :1973:

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 20 Apr 2009, 18:58
by jackie
Gorgeous photo's and two beautiful dogs, you look like you have a bossy one too looking at Molly with Katie, Bella does the same thing to Maggie :2093:

Thanks for sharing.

Jackie x

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 22 Apr 2009, 08:54
by drexl1234
Lovely photos, are you sure you fed Molly before taking them out for a walk.

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 15:50
by carolb
Lovely pics Molly reminds me of my Amber, she likes to roll in unsavory things too. :1941:

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 09:28
by mollysmum
Thanks for the comments, and yes Jackie, Molly does think she is boss and is always the one who jumps up on Katie, but one word from Katie and Molly backs off, but they always have a ball together. Yes Dave, Molly was fed before her walk, but she will eat anything and is always on the look out for something else!! (nice or not). They are always so happy together :1941: .

Re: Katie and molly

Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 20:05
by jillwild
what fab pics!! they look so happy. love the first two, katie dosent seem to mind molly having a quick munch on her ear, looks like great fun was had by all.