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Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 12:07
by coco-bean
Hi all

My gorgeous girl Kinder is 1 today and I just wanted to share her first year and some photos with you all :1972:

Kinder makes us smile every day, from the day we met her it was obvious she was going to be a calm puppy and would grow into a beautiful dog (well most of the time anyway)
Kinder was so shy as a small puppy but with Coco to guide her she is a lot better now, she loves everything..... EXCEPT she will growl and bark at strangers :2008: however if they have a dog she will run over and say hello I find this odd and am trying to get her out of the habbit. She is a big girl weighing in at 41 kilos at present, I am hoping to get the puppy fat down this summer as she can have longer walks now. She is currently on 60 minutes give or take but also has Coco to play with too. I swear she can tell the time 730am & 430pm on the dot she starts to play up if her foods not on time. :2090: She is also a sock thief as soon as I sit down my socks are off in less than 10 seconds. I can't believe we have had her for 10 month but it also seems like she has been here forever. Coco and Kinder adore each other and are never far away from each other. I think Kinder would of made a great working dog if she had been trained properly, she is soooooo obedient does everything I ask. Coco on the other hand will only do as you ask if you show her a treat... but she also knows what she is doing. I have never met two dogs that are so different.

Hope you enjoy the photos.

The day we picked Kinder up

Think the drive and meeting Coco tired her out
Three months old
Six months old
Best friends forever

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 16:48
by Liz5353
:2808: beautiful Kinder
We hope you are having a very special day.
The photos are really stunning you are both so beautiful.
:2811: :2799:
Love Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly n Polly X :bighug: :bighug:

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 18:23
by JoanG
:2808: Beautiful Kinder

Wow that 10 months has gone quickly :2090: Debbie, Kinder is gorgeous and your photos are stunning, you are so lucky to have two beautiful girls, they look a picture of health and are a real credit to you.

Kinder we hope you shared your special day and treats with your big sister she's looked after you so well.

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 18:31
by Emma T
What a beautiful girl Kinder is, such an expressive face! Happy birthday sweet girl! Loved the pics thanks xx

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 23:25
by Lisahoward123
A www debbie your two girls are so photogenic and beautiful :2808: lovely kinder hope you've had a lovely day. Tarka also has put weight on since coming here she was 33 kilos and is now 36 vet has said I need to get her to nearer 30 due to her joint probs im doing my best but she'll eat Archie's food at any opportunity I bet she's almost as heavy as him he's lost weight now he's exercising after his op as he isn't greedy tarkas a dustbin haha

Hope your two lovely girls had a lovely day together

Love Lisa Archie and Tarka xxxx

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 10:25
by Morticia1162
:2808: darling Kinder. :love2:

You were stunning as a pup and stunning as a young lady.
You have two gorgeous girls Debbie.

:bighug: :bighug: for both.

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 10:54
by LabLover
:2799: A Happy 1st Birthday Kinder :2799:

Hope you enjoyed your day, I'm sure you will have been spoilt rotten.

The pic's of your two gorgeous girls are stunning :love2: :love2:

Love Amanda Jim Milo Zak & Max xxxx

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 13:35
by mollymunch
Two gorgeous girls, Debbie. Can't believe Kinder was 1 yesterday!

Alison x

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 15:21
by coco-bean
Thankyou everyone, Kinder had her normal walk with Coco and their chocolate lab friend :1972: come home to new toys and raw hide bone then slept the rest of the day :1966:

Unfortunately I think Kinder hurt Coco's front leg on Monday while they played ending up with Coco limping :blue: luckily she was already booked in to see the vet tomorrow so will get it checked then so it's been bed rest for Coco today :2362: it was so hard taking just Kinder out this morning :blue: but Coco's not as bad as it sounds she is still running and playing with Kinder in the garden.

I will be posting again on Friday as its Coco's birthday :lol:

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 20:26
by jackie
:2803: Happy 1st Birthday Kinder! :2803:

What lovely photos and and a lovely post, that year has whizzed by. You have two gorgeous dogs there.

Jackie x

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 22:28
by Pamstep
Happy 1st birthday Kinder, :2803:

You have a couple of real beauties there and I love the pics

Pam and Dexter xx

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 08:21
by 12_paws
:1972: Happy 1st birthday Kinder :1972: that time seems to have flown by...........
Lovely pictures of both girls,
Des x

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 10:09
by Willow
Gorgeous update and pics of your stunning girls :love2: Is Kinder on the left in that last photo? I hope she enjoyed an extra-special day on her birthday, it certainly sounded like a Lab's perfect day! We don't get too many puppies on here so it's been lovely to follow Kinder's story from the beginning. Wishing your adorable puppy many more happy birthdays with her lovely family xx

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 10:12
by coco-bean
Hi Joanna

Thankyou for your lovely comments :love3: Coco is on the left Kinder right

Re: Kinder is 1 today

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 13:19
by Glenys