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Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 20:22
by Jasminesmum
Hi everyone, thought it was about time I updated you all on how I am. Well life is good, I love living here with Mum, Dad and big sister Jaz. :love6: Me and Jaz get on so well, mum says we are like true brother and sister and can read each other like a book and know how to 'press each others buttons' :1967: - whatever that means. I just know we can just give each other a look and then we start playing.

We have just got back from what mum calls 'our holiday' in Keswick in something called a 'caravan'. Well I love this thing called a caravan so much that after our holidays last year I told mum that coz I enjoy it sooooo much and that I want to do it for years to come that it might be an idea to get a bigger 'caravan', that way mum doesn't need to keep disturbing us when we need to catch up on some sleep :snooze: . She doesn't realise how hard a life me and Jaz have and we don't want to keep moving when she needs to wash up or something! Anyway they listened to me and this year we have a newer bigger caravan - I love it!

Anyway I must go now coz I need to rest as I am meeting up with my best friends Molly and Scooby in the morning to give them their regular 'oscarcise'! This involves me frequently pinching Mollys ball so I get chased, I am really fast now and Jaz has taught me some great manuovers. I know to drop the ball though when I can feel Mollys breath on my bottom!!! Well someone needs to make sure that no-one puts any pounds on including mum. Mum calls me 'hundred mile an hour Mr Oscar' because I can't miss anything and have to try and do everything at once.

Anyway I will leave you with a few photos from our recent holiday.

Thank you Glenys for finding me my new forever home.

Lots of Love

Mr Oscar








Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 20:35
by Lins
Love the piccys Oscar. :love5:

It's a good job iI know you, cos you would think butter would'nt melt in your mouth but, we all know better. :1001:

Who caused mayhem this morning again when you found that Canada Goose wing that's been about for months. Why do you think your dad did a rugby tackle on Jaz to get it off her. Oh, you are naughty, but nice!

Molly and Scooby missed you and Jaz while you were all away, but by golly, you all made up for it this morning :1968: :1968: :1968:

Do it all again tomorrow.

Sleep well you two and don't let mum and dad throw any of you off the bed. :snooze: :snooze:

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 09:35
by Glenys
Well done Oscar getting a new caravan I dont know any dogs who dont like caravanning its such fun.
Enjoy life and love the pics xx

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 15:39
by warrengl
Great update and some lovely photos! :love2: You and Jaz make a lovely couple! :love6:

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 17:34
by Lindsay2011
What brilliant pictures - any room for me in your new caravan too Oscar?

Lindsay x

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 18:25
by kayj
Wow Oscar a lovely update on your life with Jaz.Brilliant pictures of one very happy boy.

:love2: :love2:


Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 23 Apr 2012, 08:40
by Mad Maisie
Great photos!!!

Gill, Meg and Maisie
:love2: :love2: :love2:

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 23 Apr 2012, 13:02
by rhoda4
Great holiday photos! :love5:

Ann, Paul & Zac x

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 14:31
by louisej24
amazing photos! what a fab new home :2379:

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 25 Apr 2012, 23:27
by Joe + Hilary
Lovely pics and report of your holiday Oscar, glad you're having a fun life with Jaz and your doggy friends.

Tuppence, William & Rowley

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 26 Apr 2012, 16:21
by Melliott
Lovely pics Oscar, and I love your idea about getting a bigger caravan. We did that too when we got Molly and now all Three Musketeers have more space to be undisturbed when holidaying :thumbup:

Be happy and enjoy the caravan season of 2012 :lol:

Love Michelle X

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 12 May 2012, 01:35
by Simbasmum
Lovely photos Oscar -

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 13:39
by Brandy07
Fabulous photos . xx

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 15:40
by gillal1
Debbie such lovely photos they look to have a perfect life :love2: the scenery is beautiful in the pictures.
Thank you for sharing

Gill,Milly and Lilly

Re: Adorable Oscar - Adopted MKF May 2010

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 20:40
by Judynjake04
Looks like you all had a fantastic time on holiday,love the caravan Oscar. :1971:
Rosie loves caravanning too, :2389: she goes all grumpy and gives us the sad dog look when its time to go :blue:
have lots more fun together,love the pics.