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Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 23 Sep 2012, 15:18
by chloe69red
Hi everyone,
I wanted to write a small story about our little rescue lab x spaniel, Bella, aged approx. 16 mths. We got her from MKF in March this year and what an eventful time we have had since then!!! :1001:

Bella has been a lively energetic and fun part of our family since arriving in March. We lost our older lab Cracker just 1 week after collecting Bella which was a tragic time for us but having Bella and our other rescue dog, Misty, really helped us through it. :cry3:

Bella has proved to be extremely accident prone and we are constantly cringing as she runs head first at full pelt into walls, dives head first at strange dogs and pulls that hard on the lead I’m surprised she hasn’t strangled herself!! :2379:

Well with all the antics she has done over the last 6 months, yesterday has to beat them all by a mile!!! :2008: :2019:

Yesterday morning, Saturday, we decided that we, that’s, me, Jackie, Jo and our 2 dogs Misty & Bella, would take our close friends and their dog out for a nice walk and a picnic between Foulridge and Salterforth along the canal. Nothing too strenuous….or so we thought!

We set off along the tow path at a steady pace all 3 dogs running free together enjoying themselves. The rest of us strolling and having a nice chat.

As we passed under one of the bridges that go over the canal, all 3 dogs decided they would go up onto the bridge. I didn’t think much of this and whistled them to come back down. Almost immediately after I whistled I heard Bella screaming, an eerie heart stopping scream and I could tell she was in serious difficulty. But we couldn’t see her? A lady came from the other direction and said she’d seen her jump from the top of the bridge. I then saw her lying on the other side of the canal below the bridge a drop of approx. 20 feet! f1 :shock: :shock:

My heart stopped and I ran straight over the bridge to her trying to encourage her to lie still. I had to climb over 2 fences before getting to her and started to check for damage. The blood all round her face and mouth didn’t bode well. I let her lie still a while and checked her body gently and slowly not finding any obvious breaks I then carried her out of the field with my friends help while Jo ran back to get the car expecting a trip to the vets!

Well believe it or not she has escaped with only minor cuts and bruises and was back to her normal self just an hour or 2 later. No more free running for her yesterday though and that certainly cut our walk nicely short. The blood turned out to be from 2 minor cuts round her mouth and a bite to her tongue.

This morning she’s totally back to normal just sore with bruising in places but nothing more.
She must be the luckiest dog in the world to walk away from that!!!
Here are some pictures of our dogs with their best friend “Taff” the Border collie.

hope you all like them.

Lots of love Jackie Jo, Misty and Bella


Re: Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 23 Sep 2012, 15:53
by Willow
Wow, that was close........ Do you think Bella scaled the wall assuming the ground was at the same level on the other side? Bless her, she must have been so shocked and stunned; no wonder she just lay there... Typical (thankfully) that she was as right as rain within a couple of hours though - while I imagine you are still getting cold shivers just thinking about it.......
Brilliant action photos and so glad all is well :1972:

Re: Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 23 Sep 2012, 16:21
by chloe69red
yes we think she did assume she was just taking a short back to us!!! kept waking last night with cold shivers our friends also struggling getting it out of their heads!!!

thank god she did bounce though!!


Re: Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 23 Sep 2012, 16:22
by mollie
Oh my goodness....she was incredibly lucky. Perhaps she thinks she's a cat with nine lives! She must have just landed safely enough. You must have been terrified.

She looks very well - and what a lovely dog she's grown into. I remember you getting her.

Re: Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 23 Sep 2012, 16:29
by Makky
Oh my what a fright...your heart must have been in your mouth as you crossed the bridge :shock: such a lucky little girl to get away with just a few cuts & bruises but no doubt it will be full steam ahead as usual cann't keep a good Lab down :1966: Loved the photos they all seem to be having a great time :2093:

Re: Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 24 Sep 2012, 00:33
by Joe + Hilary
What an awful experience, so glad she is OK. Pictures are lovely.

Hilary, Tuppence William & Rowley

Re: Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 14 Oct 2012, 22:10
by Simbasmum
Oh my - so glad she is OK, the photos are gorgeous

Re: Baby Bella AKA Zeebedee and her adventures!!

Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 18:33
by Lins
Wow, it makes me sick to the stomach imagining how you felt. The sad thing is, they rarely learn from their mistakes :blue: I'm so glad she is none the worse for wear other than bruising.

The one thing that surprised me with Molly the first time she jumped a wall, she stopped on the top and had a look down the other side before jumping. I have since discouraged her from jumping walls altogether.

Stunning piccys. Thanks for sharing.