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Simba and Shiva

Posted: 13 Apr 2013, 23:18
by Simbasmum
Quite how we came to get Simba was one of those. Chris and I met nearly six years ago and we married within six months of meeting (at our time of life, you can't wait around!). Our plan was to sellu and travel across the world by train; then six months after we married, the parent company I work for went bankrupt and we were bought out, lus the housing market and Chris's health crashed.
Chris had been on at me about a dog - he can't work and so was home all day. I had dogs growing up, but wouldn't have one because of being out at work all day and so we had two cats (from rescue) instead.
We discussed the sorts of dogs we wanted; I was adamant about having a gun dog (I had Irish Setters growing up) and I didn't want a little dog and of course it had to be a a dog used to cats, or a puppy we could train. Anyway, we kept looking and one Sunday in November 2009 our neighbour took us to Grappenhall Dogs Home. There were loads of dogs; but in one kennel, there were two pups, a chocolate Labrador and a terrier, neither available.
We didn't see any dog that jumped out at us, apart from the Labrador Puppy, so I asked at the desk and they said, oh that's Simba, he was abandoned at 19 weeks, we've had him three weeks and was castrated yesterday; he will be up for adoption on Wednesday if the vet gives the all clear.
At this time, we didn't have a car and of course Grappenhall don't reserve dogs, it's first come, first served; so we arranged a lift and I took the day off work and we arranged a lift. On the Wednesday norningm i phoned and she said, yes, we are putting him up today, so off we went - they open at 1pm, so we knew we had to be there for then as puppies are always wanted. Upon arrival i went straight to the cage and the helper came and I said, we've come to see if Simba will take to us. Off he went to get a lead and I waited - another lady arrived, but she was interested in the other puppy as a companion for her dog.
Simba came out, he was so affectionate, running about, coming when called, but a bit overwhelmed - when we went inside to do all the paperwork, a couple were there, the lady was in tears and I realised I had seen them on the Sunday - they had also come for Simba. However, we brought him home. We didn't realise, until we got Shiva, that he had never been exercised properly. He is a tall dog now, but his legs were incredibly long and skinny and if he ran, he would collapse and not want to move; a few times he fell, having pulled muscles and of course we were exercising him as if he were a normal pup, we think he was kept in a cupboard or a cellar - he would never go in the cellar until Shiva went down into ours.
The cats were like, so you're an it and accepted him and he loved everyone; he is a ladies dog - he has such gentle eyes and at the first sign is on his back for most everyone, but especially the ladies.
Then we looked after a friend's spaniel for the weekend and when he went home Simba was bereft and so our thoughts turned to getting another Labrador, but rescue of course. We found Labrador Rescue and filled an application form in, Gina phoned us and we were accepted, although at that stage we wanted to wait as I was supposed to go and visit my daughter in NZ in the April.
Fate then stepped in and Maggie had her pups - we applied and were accepted; I remember Chris saying "You're selling Simba to them" and I suppose I was; but I wanted Simba to have a playmate and I wanted the team to understand how much love there was in us for them and so Shiva came into our lives. We collected him on the 17th March 2012 from Carol at nine weeks old - along with eight other lucky owners and I have to say he and Simba are the best
of friends - they play together, they play-fight; they love swimming although Simba doesn't retrieve like Shiva).
I thought I would share this because we were honoured to have tehm both as June in the 2013 Calendar for Labrador Rescue, so I suppose Simba is a honorary member and without him, we would not have discovered this wonderful group of like-minded people