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Mountain adventure for Jack & Tess

Posted: 25 May 2008, 22:21
by Nesslabs
On Saturday Jack and Tess climbed two Munros - A' Chralaig and Mullach Fraoch-choire. Here we are climbing up from Loch Cluanie.


It's hot work but we've reached the ridge


Climbing up the ridge to the top of A' Chralaig


It's still a long way to the top!


Snow means fun. Tess spots a stone!


She wants it! Jack decides to dig.


Summit cairn of Mullach Fraoch-choire - my 100th Munro and a face wash from Jack!


Looking east into Glen Affric


Looking back to A' Chralaig and the winding ridge we came along


Dogs unimpressed by views checking out who's been here before


Time for some kip


The Pinnacles (which we had to negogiate on the way up and down). A Dutch couple met us on the way up and were worried about how the dogs would manage as there was a bit of rock scrambling. We said "Don't worry about the dogs - it's us who'll struggle!"


There were a few tricky bits (for us!) but the dogs took it all in their stride.


What's keeping you? Oh no, not another photograph


Start of the long descent. We left the car at 9.35 and weren't back until 7.45 so it was quite a long day.


My leg muscles have been complaining today but Jack and Tess aren't even slightly stiff! :D Think they're on track for Ben Nevis.


Posted: 25 May 2008, 22:33
by benjiesmum
Wow! Kathleen what a wonderful story you have to tell. Stunning scenery too and not a soul in sight! Marvellous countryside for the dogs they must really enjoy these adventures. My oh my, it was a long day for you. Congratulations on your 100th Munro, by the way! :D I don't think I could manage one! :(

Posted: 25 May 2008, 22:35
by janhind
What wonderful pictures kathleen, you must be fit, must be fantastic when you reach the summits, good training for the big one :P

jan xx

Posted: 25 May 2008, 22:35
by jackie
Wonderful, wonderful photos Kathleen. Those views are just beautiful. You are all definitely on track for Ben Nevis :wink:

Jackie x

Posted: 26 May 2008, 12:53
by kathryn
As ever Kathleen beautiful photos, maybe we should also do a calendar of just Jack & Tess with all this stunning scenery... :wink:

Posted: 27 May 2008, 14:43
by samsung
Wonderfull photo's & breathtaking view's

Sammy the water rat

Posted: 29 May 2008, 15:09
by Diesel Kate
From one Kathleen to another Kathleen. Fantastic photo's. You and the dogs must be extremely fit. I wish this Kathleen was as fit.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 29 May 2008, 17:30
by Nesslabs
Thanks for all the encouraging comments!

To be honest Kate I'm not that fit but to use a good Scots word thrawn - meaning stubborn as an old goat - and I don't like to give up until I've got there :D. Since the big walk on Sat my leg muscles have been sore especially going downstairs and today's the first day I've been able to walk easily. So seeing all these great views does come at a cost, but no gain without pain and all that...

I've got a bit of arthritis and my knees don't like the downhill part and sometimes get really painful. That's my main worry about climbing Ben Nevis - having to walk back down again :shock: when my legs have gone to jelly and my knees are shouting stop. The dogs on the other hand are at the peak of their fitness and won't even be stiff the next day!
