Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

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Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by BarryF »

Just an update and a thank you.

Ruby had her stitches removed from her spaying yesterday, and shows signs of a full recovery.

In he past she was clearly well trained in the basics - sit, stay, lie down, and (I discovered) walking to heel. The day she arrived in our house she seemed immediately at home, and the first night (and ever since) passed without any fuss from her.

She can be soft and gentle and friendly just like Labs are supposed to be. Seems a bit short of stamina, and will often just lay down after a walk, one which my previous Lab took in her stride. Possibly an indication of why she had to be rehomed.

Unlike my previous Lab, she is very ebullient and inclined to be headstrong, which means a lot of care when other dogs or people come into view when walking off the lead (which is most of the time thanks to the extensive Smestow Valley Park accessed from a gate at the end of my garden). I have to grab her quick and put her on a tight lead if she spots another dog, or she is off like a greyhound to it. Not in an aggresive way, although other dogs and owners (apart from our reqular aquaintances on walks) understandably don't always see it that way. I've taken to getting her on a tight lead, as I said, and making her sit under full control whilst the other dog goes by. If she is good, she gets a treat. Daft thing is, once she is with the other dog, she doesn't seem to know how to socialise, and seems to lose all interest!

Anyone any other suggestions about this? I've given myself six months to get this aberration under control!

Many thanks to everyone at the rescue centre, especially Abi, our contact, and keep up the good work!

Barry Fisher
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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by Ann Mee »

Welcome Barry & Rosie to the site :lol: & congratulations in adopting her :bravo: . I adopted Millie almost 2.5 years ago & I still make her sit & wait till another dog passes & she gets a treat when there is calm & no fuss. She is very strong, pulls like a train & I have to put her on a Halti & this does seem to make her a bit aggressive towards other dogs, maybe she feels vulnerable wearing it. However it works. I am sure Rosie will soon learn to socialise

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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by gillal1 »

Hi and welcome to the site Barry :2008: I am sure with time Ruby will learn the rules as you say she is very well trained in a lot of other ways so with time and patience and the methods you are already useing she will continue to improve.

Would love to see some pictures of Ruby in her new home if you can as we love pictures on this site.
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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by warrengl »

Hello and welcome to the site! :wave:

We have exactly the same issue with Coco so you're not alone. She is not aggressive to other dogs but does charge up to them barking which as you say can be very off putting to other dog owners. We adopt the same methods as you, although we don't actually put her on the lead as we can walk her past just about anything with a gravy bone in front of her nose!

While on holiday recently we engaged the services of a dog walker to help my mum and Coco travelled and socialised with the other dogs without a problem.

I'm sure Ruby will improve with time and patience! Good luck! :love3: :love2:
Gill xx

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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by Melliott »

Hi and congratulations on adopting Ruby.

I agree with the others, with time and patience Ruby will learn more about the rules as you both get used to each other and what is expected - she certainly sounds like a lovely dog - good luck :thumbup:

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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by Glenys »

Any pictures of Ruby?
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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by jackie »

Sounds like you are in the driving seat.....out of interest how old is Ruby and do you know anything about her background?

Jackie x

Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by BarryF »

Still finding my way around this website, so belated thanks to Anne, Gill+Milly+Lilly, warrengl, Michelle, and anyone else I've missed.

It looks like I am on the right track, but it could be sometime before I have full confidence that she will behave herself!

Interestingly, when I had my previous black Lab we used to pass someone who had an Alsation type dog that was also over-interested in other dogs (although that was a bit aggressive). I encouraged the owner to keep the dog tight and to keep its attention, something I'd picked up from the often discredited Ceasar Milan on the tv. And within a year we could walk past this dog with its owner just giving it a verbal warning to behave.

Talking of learnng from others, has anyone read the recent book by John Bradshaw "In Defence of Dogs" ? Fascinating and very informative.

And with my discipline problems with Ruby, I have also re-read a book on my shelves - "The Loved Dog" by Tamar Geller, blurbed as `the gentle way to teach your dog good manners'. That really says exactly what the book is about.

I've been prompted by Glenys to post some pictures, and I've got two of daft things she does that always make us laugh - but I don't know how and where to post them. Advice please.

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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by 12_paws »

I'm not brainy enough to have written these, I own up that I pasted Michelle's advice to Ted's dad!!
It worked for him it seems so good luck!!

To put pics on you need to open an account with photobucket -

Upload your pics to your photobucket account - its free by the way - and once you have done that you copy the link to the pics into your posting

With the picture on screen - select the text from within the IMG Code- Forums & Bulletin Boards box at bottom right of screen and paste the text into your posting where you want the picture to appear.
Hope this helps - look forward to seeing your pics
Des x

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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by Melliott »

Great stuff Desley, thanks I was just about to put on the instructions - hope they work for you Barry :thumbup:

Talking of learnng from others, has anyone read the recent book by John Bradshaw "In Defence of Dogs" ? Fascinating and very informative.

And with my discipline problems with Ruby, I have also re-read a book on my shelves - "The Loved Dog" by Tamar Geller, blurbed as `the gentle way to teach your dog good manners'. That really says exactly what the book is about.

These books sound good too - I haven't read them so might look them up.

Love Michelle X

PS - You'll soon get used to the site - look forward to seeing pics of Ruby
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Re: Ruby - collected 6th May 2012; headstrong!?

Post by Diesel Kate »

Megan owns us! She has been with us for 12 months on the 25th July. We have tried the Halti, Canny Collar, Harness that we had to stop using as it was rubbing her raw and with her condition was not on. I have now got a Dogmatic she hates it but it is a lot stronger She is a complete Angel so obedient and loving, but get her out and she is like a BULL in a china shop, wants to great every dog or person that takes any notice of her with "great :love5: enthusiasm". She does not have a vicious bone her body.

So if anyone can come up with a miracle cure please feel free to e-mail me.

With Balee when we first got him he pulled but a few eye to eye confrontations when he did not do as he was told cured him. :love2:
Kath, Toby (Balee and Megan - Never out of my thoughts :love2: )
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